Top 5 inspirations for colorful autumn photos

by gregor

Last Updated on April 26, 2022 by gregor


Every autumn, nature puts on a brilliant show of color in many parts of Europe. From bright yellows to vibrant reds, the leaves transform, showing their rich and vibrant hues. From the northern countries to the Mediterranean states, the foliage season begins in early September in the northern regions and ends in southern locations in November.

Every year, travelers flock to these areas to take in the fall foliage, to catch a glimpse of nature’s splendor.

Here are my Top 5 photography Tips for colorful autumn photos

Do not get discouraged by bad of weather

Fall color offers up some unique opportunities to photograph brilliant colors in snow, rain, sleet, and wind. So always check your local weather forecasts before your shoot.
Be prepared for anything – fall is one of those seasons that can throw rain, sun, and snow at you all on the same day.

Visit your local public parks

Most of the cities’ web pages offer you an overview of public parks you can visit. Here in Vienna please see the list of public parks.  Especially recommended is to visit your local Japanese gardens Here is the  summary  of the Japanese Gardens in Vienna, Highlight, of course, the Setagayapark

Here are a few tips for catching and shooting the gardens in their prime.

  • Look for the Japanese Maples! Shooting up ‘inside’ of these gorgeous trees can give them a whole new perspective and can offer up some amazing possibilities in terms of composition.
  • Include the architecture- don’t be afraid to photograph the bridges, pagodas, and other structures in the garden.
  • Go early or late- these gardens tend to get very crowded, so go around sunset or sunrise (depending on the garden’s hours) to avoid the people and other photographers.
  • Look for abstract and macro possibilities in the garden- colors, patterns, and structures can offer a seemingly endless amount of compositional choices.
  • Bring a wide selection of lenses this can help you to expand your creativity.

Shoot falling leaves

Fall foliage doesn’t last forever, but even the falling leaves can add interest and color to your images.
One of my favorite things to shoot just after the fall color has peaked is the leaf-covered driveways, streams, and trails that seem to be everywhere after the leaves have begun to fall. The fallen leaves can not only add texture and color to your images, but they can also convey emotion and help to form leading lines in your composition.


Be creative – Experiment

Fall offers a unique opportunity to try new techniques and new perspectives.


…….and remember to grab a couple good leaves to capture glorious flatlines


Instagram Photo Editing Tips

I have summarized the photo Editing Tips in THIS Blogpost (Click)

Whatever you do: DO NOT OVERSATURATE. Nature is beautiful as it is. It does not require that additional “pop”. PLEASE !!!


Share your most inspirational autumn photo on INSTAGRAM!!

Now it is your turn. I will do a special BLOG post about the most inspirational autumn photos on Instagram in October.

Please use the Instagram Hashtag  #autumnlover to have a chance to get featured by

Here are some inspirations. Thanks so much!

Location (Schönbrunn Palace gardens)


Location (Vienna Prater)


Location (Augarten Wien park avenues)


