Dreamteam at Rhine in Flames

by gregor

Last Updated on October 6, 2016 by gregor

(Eltz Castle, Germany)

What happens if nine passionate photographers and Instagramers jointly explore a beautiful part of Germany. Well a lot. But let me start from the beginning.


Germany Tourism invited Instagramers from all over the world to meet for a couple of days in Germany and share their experience. Organized by a specialized agency for Instagramers Marketing in Influencers Visumate Thomas Kakareko (CEO) and Uwa Scholz both great Instagramers hosted the event days. On August 7th lunchtime the whole team met at Frankfurt airport when the journey started. Since many weeks I have awaited this moment to meet the team. I could not be more excited to see these amazing photographers which I have looked at all their inspiring Instagram pictures so often ….now in reality. Its this moment when my dream became true. Heading with the bus to Koblenz  Uwa Scholz shared a lot of preparation material including mobile wireless devices which we could connect our mobile phones to. This was so nice so we were always connected and online to never miss best time to post pictures on Instagram and of course chat in the special established WhatsApp group.

Major event was the famous “Rhine in Flames firework which takes place every year along the most beautiful sections of the Rhine. An incredible firework up the skies. A fleet of around 60 illuminated riverboats steam down the river under a magical canopy of colors: a romantic and unforgettable experience. Besides this event we have been able to discover following cities and landmarks: Koblenz, Eliz Castle, Cohem  and Trier. I will cover the firework and all the wonderful experiences of these landmarks in seperate Blog Posts.

Upfront I want to share you a couple of inspirations  of the teamwork and introduce  you the awesome photographers of the journey.  There was a lot of professionalism within these days. First the perfect organization and daily briefing to all photographers about the program.of the day. After heading to the photographic spot full dedication to the subject we explored. I can tell you it was very very very hot at the Castle of Lahnstein during early afternoon not an easy task, and sometimes heavy raining we had to be quick to capture during few moments of no rain.   Everyone had their gear always ready and well prepared. Shootings were done with various gears from all sizes and brands. Full frame DSLR’s Nikon and  Sony A7s, small system cameras of Olympus, smartphones ( iphones and Samsung Galaxy s6edge) and Go Pros. Interestingly most photographers used both DSLR’s and smartphone within the same shoot location. After a shoot when  the bus headed to the next  spot everyone was editing and posting pictures. A lot of inspiring tips and exchanging experience, combined with a lot of fun, of course.  Sometimes shooting was not easy cause a lot of tourist run around the shooting spots. So takes a lot of passion to wait until the place is (nearly) free to take nice pictures. Yes early morning is best of course. After dinners we often strolled through the locations nearby the hotel and leveraged the golden hour to shoot last pictures of the day.

So after 5 days and taking more than 2k pictures was pretty exhausting, but the tons of inspirations, exciting conversations and the love and fun we shared in the team will be unforgettable.

I do have now a great honor to introduce you to the awesome team members, including a short bio and Instagram links so you can connect and collaborate. Enjoy!

Ope O

Street photography gooner from South East London. Child of God opeophotography.com [email protected] twitter.com/Ope_O_Photog
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Nei Cruz

IPHONE ONLY ∘ ART DIRECTOR ∘ NYC⠀∘ [email protected]
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Emma B.

“Life is what we make of it. Travels are travellers. What we see is not what we see but what we are.” F. Pessoa steller.co/s/4eGw4y7H6Vq
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Juanjo Fuster

Catalunya | Let me show you what I see [email protected] — founder of @GeoPx follow @GeoPx and tag #geopx to be featured
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Hervé BOIS


?? | Manager leader @IgersFrance | ?? Travel | Landscape | iPhonography | Colors | www.facebook.com/photos.timbrado

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Urban Perspectives I Urban Lifestyle ? SamS6edge, Love ☕️ , Paris I Twitter @gregorsideris [email protected] New Blog: theviennablog.com
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Thomas Kakareko

photographer // berlin snapchat: thomaskakareko [email protected] visumate.com
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Uwa Scholz

mobile photographer, based in berlin contact: [email protected]
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Thank you Nei, Ope, Emma, Juanjo, Phil, Hervé, Thomas and Uwa for the great time!