Instagram – Your picture perfect secrets 2016

by gregor

Last Updated on April 9, 2017 by gregor

Instagram the most popular photo sharing platform has over 400 million active users. Starting New Year 2016 how about taking your Instagram pictures to the next level by make them really standing out from the crowd.

Here are some really cool and easy editing tips and tricks. Let’s get started!

Studies show that Instagram engagement increases on pictures that are:

  1. Brighter  (+24%)
  2. Perspectives (+20%)
  3. Single dominant colour (+18%)
  4. Lower Saturation (+15%)
  5. High texture/sharpness (+25%)


Download Snapseed and VSCOCAM

Snapseed and VSCOCam are both free photo editing Apps you can download from the App store to your mobile. (both Android or iOS)


Once you opened a picture use first “Tune Image” and check out all the various editing options you have. When you press and scroll the screen up and down, you have different menu choices. For most photo, increase “Brightness”(10 -35%)  and lower “Ambiance”  (5-18%) and the photo looks much more cleaner. Then go to “Details” and increase “Structure” (10-15%) and increase “Sharpening” (7-20%)  that the photo gets a more crisper and sharper “DSLR like” touch.


Transfer the photo to the VSCOCam App.  Once you open the app, you can choose  of several VSCOCam filters. (There are free filters but VSCO offers you the possibility to purchase additional filter-packs in the In App-Store. For this particular photo, I choose “HB1” filter . Most popular VSCOCam filters are  A5 , M5, F2,  Hyperbeast (HB1+HB2 paid)  and S1+S2+S3 (Bright and Clean, paid). Click the “Tool” button on the right and change Exposure (+1 or +3) ,“Contrast” (+1 or +2)  and “Sharpen” (+1 or +2)  Then save the edited photo on your photo album.


Finally upload your picture to Instagram and make your final edits. If you like add an Instagram filter to give your picture the final look. Then  adjust here “Brightness”Contrast”, “Structure”  and “Sharpen” all a little bit (+5 to +20)

Voila! Here you go!

How do you edit your Instagram photos? Please let me know by leaving a comment below. Many thanks!
