15 Best Travel Books to Inspire your ultimate Wanderlust

by gregor

Last Updated on October 22, 2017 by gregor

Wanderlust is one of the strongest feelings in the world, and each year thousands of travellers follow their dreams and travel somewhere. While all of them might not wish to pen their stories down, there are writers who have shared stories that will change the way you look at the world. Here is our list of top 15 travel books, that will inspire you to travel and explore each end of the world. While every explore is different, some might be drawn towards the east, while many might be drawn towards the west. However, what ties us all together is our love for travelling, and exploring each city at a time. These books have changed the way people think and feel about travelling, and here is your chance to explore the wonders while reading.


The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist is one of the most read books around the world. It is a story based on following your dreams, and how a shepherd boy travelled from Spain to Egypt. He follows his heart, and find the perfect way to love, and the true meaning of life. When you read the book you will be able to find many inspiring quotes, that will provoke you to follow your heart, and live life to its fullest. This book is how the world changes when you follow your dreams and start to travel.


Love with A Chance of Drowning, Torre DeRoche – A beautifully written book, by a traveller. It tells a story about a girl who put aside her fear of the ocean and decided to sail across the Pacific Ocean out of her love for travel. The way she has described her experiences, the people she met, and the scenery makes you want to pack your bags and head to the Pacific Ocean. Her personal experiences are what makes her story so compelling.


On The Road, Jack Kerouac – The book was written in 1957, and ever since is known as one of the best travel novels. The story is written around Sal, who leaves NYC and heads towards the west side. Along the way he rides a number of rails, makes friends, and party every night. The entire novel is wrapped around Sal’s love for travel, and his passion to see and enjoy the entire world. The story continues and shows how travelling around the world makes him a stronger, and better human being.


The Turk Who Loved Apples, Matt Gross – The book is about lessons and misadventures that are now memories. The author of the book is a decade old traveller, and has noted down some of the best memories. In addition, the book offers great insight on being a solo traveller and living in Asia. The book is well written and offers great insight about travelling.


The Island at the Center of the World, Russell Shorto – This book covers the great adventures Russell Shorto takes you on in New York City. If you really want to understand a place, you must understand its history. And to help you understand NYC better Russell Shorto has discussed Dutch Founding of New York City, and how later in history they lost to the British. The book is a great read, and once you have read it, it will change your perspective about NYC.


Vagabonding, Rolf Potts – If you are new to the world of long term travelling, then this book is a must read for you. The author spends a decade on the road and walked across Israel. When you read his book, you will be able to get great insight on the matter, along with practical information, and interesting quotes. The book contains everything from saving money to planning, and then all about the life on the road. So, if you are planning a long adventure, then you better be prepared. The book will not just help you prepare, it will inspire you to go far and beyond.


In A Sunburned Country, Bill Bryson – Bill Bryson is a well-known, a writer who has written many inspiring books. If you have read travel books, then you must have come across one of his books. This book takes you on a journey around Australia. So, you will be able to adventure, from little towns to forgotten cities, and many forests. The book features so many hidden beauties in Australia, that it is hard to deny the attraction.


Unlikely Destination: The Lonely Planet Story, Tony, and Maureen Wheeler – The founders of Lonely Planet decided to write a book. The story starts from 1970s England and ends at the beginning of the 21st century. During these mesmerizing years, they will take you on a journey, and fill your head with travel tales, and their business struggles. The book is a fascinating read and will change the way you look at Lonely Planet. The place whose guidebooks defines the travel world.


The Beach, Alex Garland – It is a great travel book, that gives you a peek into the life of backpackers who are searching for paradise on this earth. The book is about a long quest, which is about doing something new and out of the ordinary. If you are a backpacker or wish to backpack who wishes to search for the ideal place. Then you might enjoy reading a story about how searching for the ideal, can ruin it.


The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner – Eric went off a year long journey, on his way to find the happiest places on the earth. He travelled to places such as Qatar, Iceland, India, Moldova, and Denmark. He might not have been able to find the secret of happiness, but his journey makes for an amazing read and will help put a smile on your face. The book includes some fantastic interactions with the locals and their thoughts.


Seven Ages of Paris, Alistair Horne – This book highlights the main influential periods of Paris. Where you will be taken from the early middle age, right into the 20Th century. Each era is well defined, and you will learn all about the history of Paris. It is a great read for anyone who wishes to visit Paris one day, as it will help you look at the city from a different perspective.


Cruising Altitude, Heather Poole – This book is about the life of a flight attendant, and what it is like to work 35’000 feet in the air. The book contains a number of funny stories, that highlight just how hard flight attendants work for us, and how ruthless people can be.


Paris Was Ours, Penelope Rowlands –  Paris is one of the most loved cities in the world, as everyone wishes to go there once in their life. The book is about thirty-two writers who moved to Paris and talk about their adventures in the city. The book features many stories on how the writers adjusted to life in Paris, the book takes a few turns. But at the end, you realize how much of a lasting effect Paris can have one person. As it is one of those cities that take a part of you and let you take a part of them with you.


Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering The Lost City One Step At A Time, Mark Adams – This book will talk you into packing your bags and booking a flight to Peru. So, you can finally discover the lost city. The book showcases the journey of Mark Adams and teaches a great history lesson about Machu Picchu. How the lost city was discovered by Hiram Bingham, and what it is like to explore remote areas in Peru.


Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer – In this book Jon Krakauer tells you the story of Christopher McCandless, a man who hitchhiked into the wilderness, and four months later he starved to death. It is a story about how you can be motivated enough to leave behind everything and everyone and head off towards the unknown. Christopher was looking for a better life. This book might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it is a great inspirational story. That teaches you how you can do anything you put your mind towards.


These are the Top 15 travel book inspirations, that will push your hidden lust to wander and convince you to pack up and start travelling. Each book tells a different story, of a different time. So, you can learn what it is like to go about and explore the world and understand what is the great pull that keeps on pulling us towards far off land. These travel books will act as an inspiration, so you can go ahead and start your own journey.

One day you too can tell your amazing story to the world, of how a travel book inspired you to pick up a bag and head for the door, and how that single decision changed your life.