Trey Ratcliff – Inspirations from the Vienna Photo Walk

by gregor

Last Updated on June 1, 2017 by gregor

Trey Ratcliff ( was visiting Vienna and setting up a Photo Walk.  Trey Radcliff’s Photo Walks of the 80Stays Tour are free and open to any photographer who wishes to come along and meet him, ask advice or just come along to take some shots.  I’ve spoken to Trey during the walk and found him to be a really down to Earth guy who tries to answer as many questions from as many people as possible.

We started at the Ritz-Carlton Vienna Hotel on the Vienna Ringstrasse and finished for sunset at the Vienna Rathaus.

Ritz-Carlton Vienna Welcome – Trey Ratcliff


Vienna State Opera

Kunsthistorisches Museum

Albertina Museum -Vienna



Rathaus – Vienna Town Hall

After Show Party

Trey Radcliff did a short wrap up of the tour and gave a brief view how he became a photographer.

I found this Video on his YouTube Channel most inspiring.

Trey Ratcliff and me


Illustrations & Inspirations

Humbled about the amazing Illustration from Meagan Morrison. She is an inspiring Fashion Illustrator based in New York. Follow her Instagram for more Inspirations.

Click Here the Link to her Homepage

Super excited Meagan took my Instagram photo as a reference for her painting.

Stay Tuned for my Next Blogpost about My Top 10 Photography takeaways from Trey Ratcliff’s PhotoWalk

More information about Trey Ratcliff’s European Photo Tour and venues can be found at or In order to follow the tour visually, interested parties can search for the Hashtags #80Stays and #RCMemories as well as the Destinationshastags such as #Lisbon, #Barcelona, #Milan, #Geneva, #Paris, #London, #Amsterdam, #Berlin, #Wolfsburg, #Vienna, #Budapest and #Moscow and follow @TreyRatcliff on his social media channels or @RitzCarlton on Twitter.

More Inspirations








