
by gregor

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Stephanie March 25, 2016 - 12:01

Dear Blogger,

I’ve read through your blog about travelling in Vienna and around. Your articles are really interesting and very-well documented. We can see you really love travelling !! You provide very good tips that are useful for every travelers.

What could be a true value-added for your readers is the possibility to book onlinethe activities you talk about. I’m working for Ceetiz and our job is to provide such kind of service. We currently offer more than 6 000 activities in 250 destinations, and we are still developping ! Together, we could make the life of your readers easier by offering them an unique place with your recommendation and a link to book their spot.

We have for example citypass in big cities, low-price combined ticket for the Haus der Musik Museum and Mozart’s House, guided tours with locals that we could integrate on your related articles… Of course, you will get a commission on every sales made through your blog, that will increase according to a sliding pay scale.

What do you think about such kind of collaboration ? In case you need more information, feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,

gregorsideris March 25, 2016 - 12:22

Thanks for reaching out! Could you send me more details please. Thanks a lot


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